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Tuesday Blues

It's a perfect Tuesday night, exactly 9:35pm, and yet my depression has crippled me into sitting in bed, reading my favorite book and listening to music that does nothing to help my mood increased. I tried to write tonight since I really have been motivated to continue on my third book but alas I can't. Not tonight.

I got my marketing back on my second novel and it's beautiful. I'm really glad to see the production stage moving along. I can't wait until I get my cover. I think it'll be really awesome.  I know the samples I sent them should set the mood for the readers immediately.

I have some news, I will be having a deal on my first novel starting on August 27th in which I will be giving my first book for free for only one day. I will also be posting a sample from my second novel as an added bonus. What is so important about August 27th? It's a surprise. I will have a reminder as we get closer to August 27th as well as post the link.

As a somber note, Yosemite is under fire and smoke fills the air making the air quality unhealthy. For somebody with bad lungs, it's painful right now. My lungs are constantly achy and my energy has decreased. It's pretty sad right now in the Central Valley (California).  My friend is up there fighting the fire and both his wife and I am really worried because the fire can be so unpredictable.

Still, I'm trying to keep positive. I will keep writing or try to, I will wait for the production of my second novel to be finished, and I will continue chasing my dreams. Like I said before it's a perfect Tuesday night but I'm not feeling it tonight. Luckily, tomorrow is another day, right?

Have a safe and great night/day (whenever you read this) and remember to appreciate your dreams regardless of how unrealistic they seem.


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